autumn is finally making its way back into our lives and i tend to "fall" in the embrace-changing-seasons camp which means that my roommate and i, after finally unpacking and cleaning up our new kitchen and living room, put together a comfort food meal complete with some three-buck-chuck red vino...
first, i boiled some sweet potatoes until they nearly mashed themselves, then mixed them with Earth Balance and powdered ginger. next, my roommate played sous-chef and chopped up some raw white onion which, along with some sliced baby bella mushrooms, were sauteed in extra virgin olive oil and then simmered until absolutely tender in some free range organic chicken broth. i heated up some Morningstar crumbles and added this, wild rice, curry powder, and garlic powder to the mushroom/onion/chicken broth concoction and after letting it simmer for another 15 minutes or so, we had the most amazing inaugural meal for the new apartment and new season. oh, and no meal is complete without some bread...tossed some sourdough rolls in the oven and we were good to go!
i'll be sad to see the farmers markets ending and even sadder when slushy snow begins to find its way on our streets, ice on our sidewalks, but in the meantime i'm all about the food and music that make this time of year beautiful and nostalgic and comforting. CHEERS!